Saturday 28 September 2013

Carrot cake

Carrot cake it is my childrens favorite cake, also mine. With a Philadelphia cream cheese frosting on top....mmmmmm...

Simple recipe and super delicious!

1 kilo carrots
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 oil
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
Nut muscatte? Nuez moscada:D ( sorry dont know the english name )

Just mix and whisp the eggs and sugar until its creamy, add the dry ingredients, blend, alternate with the oil, blend, add carrots, ready to the oven at 180 C for 40 minutes.

After the cake is cold, put some frosting on! just mix Philadelphia cheese, with flour sugar, butter and Vanilla, whisp all ingredients until is fluffy :)



  1. In English it's nutmeg, mi amiguita linda. La torta parece riquísima. La prepararé después de mi dieta... :) Saludos de Noruega!!!

  2. Gracias! I get so so confused with all the names in different languages :/
