Monday 29 September 2014

Big news

I guess some of you already knew or guess... I am that type of person who can not wait! :D

So yes, we are expecting baby #3.

We somewhere around 9 to 10 weeks, we haven't been to the first ultrasound yet so then we will be able to tell exactly how many weeks along I am.

I know many of you wait to tell the news after the first trimester has gone, but I just felt like to tell, plus I have been so bloated and already showing ( yes showing! It's baby #3 you know!) that I prefer that you know that I am pregnant and not just fat.

I know also that every pregnancy is risky and many of them can end in natural miscarriage until week 20/22 so yeah, I'm taking the risk.

I am praying for it to be a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby in the end.

And as this being baby#3 after having two boys, I would not like to hear: I hope you get the girl this time or It will be a boy again. Let me tell you I have heard everything and I know!

I know the chances are high that It will be a boy again! And so what? I know I would love a girl this time but if it comes another boy I'd be happy as well, in fact we have already his name chosen.

So please be happy for us, because we are happy!  The older brothers are happy and that's what matters!

Oh and for your information!  I know I have heard from many people, always when baby#3 or #4 is coming, it's always thought to be a "mistake" I know mistakes can happen. But in our case, it wasn't!

This baby has been planned and loved from the very first time♡ just like its big brothers!

I thank God every day for the life that is growing inside of me and I leave everything in His Hands, because He knows whats best for us and His plans are perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Not that I believe in a God but I'll pray to the spirits for a healthy baby, congratulations once more to the whole family :) ❤️
