Monday 30 September 2013


The ones that know me, have seen that I have acne, yes, not only normal acne but rosacea acne, my brother and dad had it too so i guess it is in our genes.

Lately, my acne has started to get worse and it is non-stop specially around my chin area. Acne is a very disturbing disease, not only affects you in the physical part but also affects your self-esteem and even causes you depression.

So I needed to do something about it, for 2 years ago I got some medication, worked for a little while but after stopping the pills it came again :(

So I went to the dermatologist last week and we will start the strong medication, the name is Isotretinol or something like that....but I have mixed thoughts:

-Will It really help? ( I have PCO as it could be my acne is caused by it too )
-Will it destroy my liver?

My brother took the medication for 6 months, and it helped him.

Is there any of you who have taken this medicine, did it help? Did you get some health problems after that?

I'm getting so stressed :( 

Meanwhile, I will just cover my horrible face with makeup.

Sunday 29 September 2013

Hot chilies Cold Finland

I got some chili seeds from Peru...we planted them outside, but we didnt know how long it would take for the flowers to turn into took a loong time, sadly the temperatures for a few nights were below zero so our plants practically died frozen :(

So, it took all the green chilies from the frozen plant and put them in a dark place, hopefully they will get ready and don't get bad or rotten :(

Otherwise, I have to save the seeds and plant them one or two months earlier, so they can enjoy the sun longer!

Saturday 28 September 2013

Carrot cake

Carrot cake it is my childrens favorite cake, also mine. With a Philadelphia cream cheese frosting on top....mmmmmm...

Simple recipe and super delicious!

1 kilo carrots
3 eggs
1 cup of sugar
2 cups of flour
1 1/2 oil
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
Nut muscatte? Nuez moscada:D ( sorry dont know the english name )

Just mix and whisp the eggs and sugar until its creamy, add the dry ingredients, blend, alternate with the oil, blend, add carrots, ready to the oven at 180 C for 40 minutes.

After the cake is cold, put some frosting on! just mix Philadelphia cheese, with flour sugar, butter and Vanilla, whisp all ingredients until is fluffy :)


Friday 27 September 2013


1. Cleaned house.  Checked!
2. Laundry. Checked!
3. Ironing. Checked!
4. Supermarket. Checked!
5.Pick mom from bus station.  Checked!

I finally got our "autumn" kitchen curtains in beige color, cheap but lovely ones.

Thursday 26 September 2013

First autumn frost

Autumn is finally here...althought it felt like winter...super cold and hard wind...our chili plants are almost dead...hopefully the remaining chilies will survive so I can freeze them and use them to make Peruvian food during the winter.

Tuco & Tico have been inside...they still have  the flu, right now they are playing with lego, they play so good now can momma finally rest and watch some tv, just lie down and relax...

Wednesday 25 September 2013

For sale

I'm selling my Gucci bag at Theodora in Helsinki, you can also buy it online.

Here its my bag and more info:

Kirppis/loppis/Second-hand stores

I'd like to remember how many things I have found in a "kirppis" but I just cant name all of them.

I wasnt a big fan of Second-hand stores in Lima, I guess I went maybe 2 o 3 times...but just found very old and dirty when I heard about "kirppis " here in Finland..I thought...usch how can people go to those places :D
Well, now...I consider second-hand stores as my drug :D can't get enough of them...It doesnt mean I need to buy something every time I go...but just to search and search and find hidden treasures is what makes it exciting.

What I look after in a kirppis right now are:

- Old porcelain dishes ( Arabia mainly, a Finnish porcelain brand )
- Old metal/Steel to decorate my home with them...
-Old sheets and line hand towels
-Old alpakka ( type of silver ) forks, spoons, etc
-Clothes for me and my family...but good quality brands ( Gant, Hilfiger, Esprit )
-Shoes ( Ecco, Vagabond )

Just thinking about the treasures one can find there...makes me wanna go right away... :) its almost midnight and Tuco has been up all the time...might be the flu...or just fooling around :/

I wonder how we will manage to get the boys to sleep in their own bed at their own bedroom :/

Who am I? / Vem är jäg? / Quien soy yo?

A summary of me, myself and I :) 

( I will write in English, so you can use google translator if you can't English )

I am woman, mother and wife originally from Lima, Peru. Moved to Finland in 2007 because I met the "love" of my life ...why "" because if you are married you know the feeling when you are just sooo crazy in love but after being married for a few drive each other crazyyyy and sometimes you wonder why the hell you got married  :D

Oh well, a few will understand me...

So, now its 2013, Mr. M and I have two small boys age (Tuco 5 and Tico 3 ), we live in an Island in the south of Finland, and we work in a family company.

I don't know what else I could write about myself...

I love to read blogs, interior design magazines, celebrities, fashion, antique furniture.

My to do list is to have a third child ...which is planned in a couple of years. ( maybe! According to Mr.M )

My hope is to have a happy &healthy family,  to continue to have a job ( eventhough is stressful during season time ) to finally have more closed friends ( having friends when you are coming from another country is so difficult :/ )

My dream ( materially thinking )to win lotto , to travel around the world, to have a honeymoon in Bora Bora and to buy a Chanel Jumbo flapbag in caviar with GHD  ;)

New blog

Hopefully it will be my last blog and I hope to continue to keep it updated!